Netflix's Comcast deal targets throttling.Netflix signs deal for faster data speed with Verizon.
In a blog post posted in March, CEO Reed Hastings wrote, 'When an ISP sells a consumer a 10 or 50 megabits-per-second internet package, the consumer should get that rate, no matter where the data is coming from.' Netflix says their streaming data should be treated the same as any other content provider's. Netflix's streaming service accounts for a third of all North American internet traffic during peak evening hours, according to Canadian networking services company Sandvine Inc.Ĭompanies like Comcast and Verizon are asking Netflix to pay them extra. It's the latest in a bout of technological and verbal sparring between Netflix and U.S. Verizon has told Netflix to 'cease and desist' blaming it for slow streaming speeds. A screenshot of Verizon customer Yuri Victor's Netflix account, which says 'The Verizon network is crowded right now'.